
this message may be offensive
can’t believe how childish I used to be... writing stories about things that don’t exist and not taking anything seriously and not using any common sense in any problem that arises... damn... I fucked my life up...


this message may be offensive
can’t believe how childish I used to be... writing stories about things that don’t exist and not taking anything seriously and not using any common sense in any problem that arises... damn... I fucked my life up...


Hold me closer, tiny dancer
          Count the headlights on the highway
          Lay me down in sheets of linen
          You had a busy day today
          Hold me closer, tiny dancer
          Count the headlights on the highway
          Lay me down in sheets of linen
          You had a busy day today


Put this on your message board and let people rate you.
          1. You're mine 
          2. You're cute 
          3. You're sexy (wow- uhh)
          4. You're awesome 
          5. I have a crush on you (Why tho?)
          6. I used to have a crush on you 
          8. I'd date you 
          9. I want to get to know you better 
          10. You're like a sis/bro to me 
          11. You're ugly (lol if anyone picks this I already know this)
          12. Satan (this is a compliment)
          13. God 
          14. I hate you (i hate myself already
          15. I love you (platonically) 
          16. I love you (romantically) (i don't think anyone would pick this)
          17. You're annoying 
          18. You have pretty eyes/ hair 
          19. Other (pls explain for other)


love you babe ;)


thanks babe,youre 18, 16, 12, 3 (definitely), 1