
so, i’m really struggling with writing atm. i have writers block at an INSANE level. i can barely get anything written and when i do i absolutely hate it. im working on (or trying to) a new idea for a book called The Riverbed. it’s one of the best ideas i think i’ve ever come up with but i’m struggling so much! i’ve only for the first chapter done and it’s not even that long ): but yeah i have my gcse exams in a couple of months so i’m just gonna focus on them before writing much more. idk if this is it for me and writing, i hope not, but it’s just not working out right now ): 


@neeve1975 Sorry to hear that. I know how that feels. Take ur time with the writing. It will come to u soon enough. 


got* not for ffs. i always make a mistake when i post a message and it’s so annoying i really should read before i post lol 


so, i’m really struggling with writing atm. i have writers block at an INSANE level. i can barely get anything written and when i do i absolutely hate it. im working on (or trying to) a new idea for a book called The Riverbed. it’s one of the best ideas i think i’ve ever come up with but i’m struggling so much! i’ve only for the first chapter done and it’s not even that long ): but yeah i have my gcse exams in a couple of months so i’m just gonna focus on them before writing much more. idk if this is it for me and writing, i hope not, but it’s just not working out right now ): 


@neeve1975 Sorry to hear that. I know how that feels. Take ur time with the writing. It will come to u soon enough. 


got* not for ffs. i always make a mistake when i post a message and it’s so annoying i really should read before i post lol 


i hate when i all of a sudden thing of a new idea for a book when i’m half way through writing one. like all i wanna do is get started on this new book whilst the ideas are fresh in my mind BUT i wanna get this one done before i move onto anything cos when i start working on other things my stories end up fLOPPING




update: so, i’m writing a river fanfic rn and it’s going really well! i’ve gotten pretty far with it but i’ve decided i’m not going to publish anything until the book is complete.
          this one is very different to any fanfics i’ve written or tried to write before. i think my writing has changed a lot and i’ve really progressed. the book isn’t just a river fanfic but a book about friendship, grief, life and the hardships that come along with it. 
          i’m really excited to finish this book and for people to read it. it’s loosely based off the movie Stand By Me so if you’ve seen that you’ll noticed a few similarities! the characters included are River Phoenix (obviously), Wil Wheaton, Corey Feldman, Jerry O’Connell and my own character, Rosalia Love. 
          okay, that’s all i’m giving away! i really hope when i publish it you guys enjoy the book, and i’m so grateful for any of you that genuinely wait around for it. it will probably be a while though!!!
          anyway, thank you for reading. happy new year and all! 
          neeve <3




Thanks for reading Damn good Reasons and for the votes. Hope you continue to enjoy it :)


@neeve1975 well that just made my day, thank you :)


@Entangler you’re SO welcome! i’m enjoying it so much, one of the best stories i’ve read!!! 


i’m going to completely restart with writing. i’m afraid i’ll be taking This Must Be My Dream down. i’m so so so grateful for all of the support and love that it received but it’s just not me anymore! it’s not my style of writing and i don’t like it all that much. the majority of people that follow me are probably the 1975 fans, so i’m so so so sorry but i’m almost certain i won’t be doing anymore the 1975 fics.
          i’m going to use Wattpad to publish more original ideas. but, i think i may be publishing a River Phoenix fanfic at some point, im currently writing it! so if any of you are River fans, stay tuned for that :) 
          i will at some point be publishing ‘The Painting.’ this is a fully original idea of mine which i have been working on for some time now. it’s really helped me develop my writing. 
          i’d really love it if some of you stuck around to see what else i have coming up, but if not i totally understand! again, i’m so sorry that i’m deleting This Must Be My Dream. i just want to work on my writing, and i want to only publish things i’m happy with. 
          i love you all so much and thank you for the support. it means the absolute word to me. tmbmd got further than i ever expected and i’m very proud of myself, but i’m improving everyday and moving onto bigger and better ideas. tmbmd was definitely not my best work, but it was a start and i definitely do not regret writing it. 
          again, i love you guys. thank you for the support and for being so amazing. stick around if you’re up for something a bit different!!!!
          -neeve <3


@neeve1975 That's very humble of you. 


ok update: i might rewrite By Your Side if that’s okay? i just don’t like it that much tbh, i won’t change it all but i’m gonna rewrite 


@jagz11 nothing really, just not the best writing i can do and i wasn’t overly happy with it :) new chapters should be up in a short while <3


@neeve1975 What was wrong with it?


okay i just wanna say sorry for how all over the place i’ve been with my stories. i have 4 that i’m writing at the moment and sometimes it’s too much. 
          lately i haven’t been feeling to great, and i’ve only just realised that i’ve barely been writing and that maybe that could help me. i miss it so much. i used to write everyday, whenever i could. but lately i haven’t had the energy. but now, i’m gonna try again. i know it’s gonna be good for me. 
          since i have so much on the go with my stories, i think i’ll work on one at a time since writing 4 at the same time is so hard. my head is just always overflowing with ideas and i can’t resist but to start writing and publishing. 
          what i’m going to do is unpublish Purple Rain and Fear of Love, whilst i get By Your Side finished. By Your Side is my priority, since it came before the other two and is very important to me. This Must Be My Dream did so well and i think i really need to thank you guys and give you By Your Side. so that’s what i’ll be working on. when that’s completed, i’ll move onto republishing Purple Rain. after that, it’ll be Fear or Love. and after that, i’ll be publishing a book called The Painting. 
          i’m sorry to be in unpublishing those two stories but it shouldn’t be long before they’re up again. i love you all so so so much and you all inspire me to keep writing. you’ve all given me so much support and so much hope. 
          thank you x 


@neeve1975 Its understandable. Take ur time and u decide what's best. 


me and @trumanniamh got harry tickets today, we THRIVING  niamh ily, WE DESERVE THIS <3




@nlklk_ i'm going to london night one <3