"All of Mobius is well and peaceful. Now, the Royal Guardians, Freedom Fighters, Team Dark and their allies discover something new and twisted."
Hey, guys! I'm happy to announce that the new Royal Guardians Book is finished and is ready to be published. The book is entitled "The Royal Guardians: The MERGE."
It's about how the Royal Guardians, the Freedom Fighters, Team Dark and their allies discover something strange. Portals scatter all over Mobius, but they're not Genesis Portals. Those are the portals that make everyone feel something familiar, but at the same time, it's not.
Additionally, certain Sonic characters and OCs will accomplish their personal missions, especially Team Dark, Runa, the five Chao, Bubbles, Lucy and Junior.
Below is the list of release dates on when to publish each part:
• PART 1 — September 24, 2024
• PART 2 — October 9, 2024
I'll also publish this book in honor of my parents, who have celebrated their 19th Wedding Anniversary!
Happy Wedding Anniversary, mom and dad! I hope you have a blessed day!