
holy wow i leave for a few months and my notifications blows up :0000
          	im honored but kinda sad that i cant reply to all your comments
          	keep 'em coming, though! they always make my day ;u;


Hey, guys! I just posted a new story called "The Boy in Red". It's an interesting tale about our boy, Dave Strider. I strongly suggest you take a look at it if you're interested in Strider ships!! I've been working on it for a while and I hope you like it!
          I also have another DirkJake story coming up called "Pen Pals". I don't know when I'll publish it because I'm nowhere near finished, but when I do publish it, I'll publish all parts at once like I did with "The Boy in Red". So there's something to look forward to! I'm sorry about the stories currently in progress- I don't know when I'll get back to them.
          Have an excellent day, kittens, and I will talk to you soon!
          - Emma <3


Hi :3


I'm ok! Dealing with a lot of chaos though. 


@monkey102402 Oh, sorry! I read that wrong, haha. I'm fine, dear, and how are you?


I just asked how you were doing! Sorry for the confusion. 


So I opened up my notifications today
          I want to try and work more on these stories, or maybe even start a new one on this website, but I've surprisingly been very busy lately. But since the summer has rolled around and I'm on my break (FINALLY), I'm going to try and fit more writing into my schedule.
          Also, thank you for ALMOST 200 FOLLOWERS! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN ;0;
          Have a lovely day, kittens, and I'll see you around!!!
          -Emma <3


Hey guys,
          I just posted an announcement on my Dave x Reader about a new story my friend @FluffyKarma  has been working on. It's a HeinouStuck type story, so if you're into that and DavexTerezi and DirkxJake, then I strongly suggest you check it out. It's called "A Heinous Story". Thank you so much, Kittens, and I'll talk to you hopefully soon!
          - Emma
          (P.S. My b-day is this Friday, May 6, and I'm reeeeally hoping for those prismacolor markers I asked for
          lamo just wanted to add that
          k byeee <3)


Happy 4/13, you guys!!
          Homestuck is officially over (except for the possible epilogue)... I just watched the Act 7 animation, which is out right NOW, so go check it out if you haven't already!
          I wanted to say that Homestuck has been a crazy ride for everyone reading it or drawing fan art of it or writing fanfictions of it or whatever they were doing to participate in the fandom. This community has grown so much, and somehow we've all gotten attached to shenanigans and horses and Davepeta Sprite - so attached that we wanted to read more. But, just remember that this story will always backtrack to a boy, standing in his bedroom, who's birthday happened to be on the same day that his life changed and ours.
          I'm so happy to have been a part of the community, and I hope that this fandom will hold on for at least a little longer so that I don't have to say goodbye so soon. Thank y'all for choosing my fanfictions, and I will continue to write them, I promise!
          So, happy birthday, John Egbert. Thanks for a wild ride.
          With love,
          ~ Emma
          P.S. I'm pretty sure DirkJake is canon, but I can't say for sure. SOCCER. They were playing SOCCER!! 


Sorry I haven't been updating lately, guys. Just not feeling too well emotionally.
          Being a teenager suuuuuuuucks
          But enjoy the end of Homestuck, if I don't talk to you before then.
          Have a nice day, and hopefully I'll be back to update soon ^u^
          Thanks for sticking around,


@chococatluv I'll always stick around and bust out some sick rhymes for ya!


Wooo!! 150 followers!
          You guys are awesome. I'm so blessed to have you all here, and I'm so glad you like my writing ;u; I'll have to do something to thank you guys. I'll try and think of something!
          Thanks again, and I'll see you later, Kittens!
           ~Emma <3


          Omg!!! Thank you guys so much for 30K reads and almost /1,000 VOTES/ on my "Dave x Reader" story!!! It means so much to me and I'm so blessed to have you all!! Thank you again and have a wonderful day!!!!! ^u^ HHHH
          ~Emma <3


I've had a 4 day weekend thanks to all the snow and I think my science teacher must be really excited
          In class, she only ever talks about herself or how badly she wants a snow day aside from teaching us what we have to know lmao
          (Sorry for useless update hhh)


Ha thats true, although she does work a lot