
Sup boissss sorry I haven’t posted I’ve been hella busy but I’ll be posting more I have both McHanzo’s stories written I’m just going to fox it up and it should be out 2 pm est (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ I didn’t die lol


Sup boissss sorry I haven’t posted I’ve been hella busy but I’ll be posting more I have both McHanzo’s stories written I’m just going to fox it up and it should be out 2 pm est (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ I didn’t die lol


So I was rejected because I’m the same age as they’re little sister... Not because I’m a dick but because I’m just the age as there sister... I thought I was in love I thought we could have been something but I was wrong..


It ain't the end of the world yet son.
            You still have the time to wait for the right one :peepoHug: