
Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy the Luke x reader :)


I forgot my school ID and now have to wear a paper one. The guy sitting next to me is a f***ing @ $$h0le  and is annoying the heck out of me, he tried looking through my packed lunch 
          (without asking, mind you) and never listens to the teacher. He's a freaking douche


I have hyperhidrosis guys. I'm pretty sure I do. It's where a person sweats a lot even if they're at rest or they're in cool areas. Even a small amount of stress can make them sweat profusely in the palms, back, neck, and/or underarm. 
          I've always had sweaty hands ever since high school started, and I've been very confused why, I asked my mom about it and she said she'd do research about it, but I did research n my own and found out this, so I guess this is the answer to my sweaty hands and why I sweat so much in cold areas!!