
I'm sorry dear readers. Because I didn't update the new chapter of the chanrose story, I've been a little busy lately but that hasn't stopped me from continuing to make the chanrose story and I have an announcement to tell you that I also plan to make a story about baekhera ... hope you all can cooperate with me.


Permisi,boleh dibaca dulu ka?.
          mungkin aja nyantol.
          Terima kasih.
          •Veen menyiksa clara semata mata hanya untuk membalaskan dendam paman dan keluarganya atas perbuatan dari keluarga clara,veen juga menikahi gema wanita yang merupakan ibu kandung dari clara.
          Dan dari situlah niat veen berubah,niatnya untuk menyiksa gema malah berimbas pada clara.
          "Kenapa kau harus menjadi anak dari Alegas?."
          "Lepaskan aku!!."
          "Tunggu sampai saya merasa puas."


I'm sorry dear readers. Because I didn't update the new chapter of the chanrose story, I've been a little busy lately but that hasn't stopped me from continuing to make the chanrose story and I have an announcement to tell you that I also plan to make a story about baekhera ... hope you all can cooperate with me.