The more I research BTS' lyricism the more I realise that BTS are probably the most artistic people I have ever come across. Their songs convey deep and complex emotional states and ideas in elaborate metaphors, and are, more often than not, constructed with double if not triple layers of meaning and lyrical interpretation. They prove time and time again, through their approach to certain topics, how socially aware they are, how much work they put into their songs. They are introspective, ever evolving, ever struggling with the nature of humans. They are so raw and real in the way they tell their stories to the point that I avoid listening to certain songs because I know they will pull me in a space of intense images and thoughts. Anyhow, I often find myself remembering something; how as rm was taking his usual walk in the park in an autumn day, he saw those leaves falling and getting swept away by the wind and he wrote spring day.