
So I realized that I still have followers and that this site is still very much alive. I believe I subconsciously think the world revolves around me and the fact that I left man at the entire platform stopped being active. But to the followers I have that are still active, what things are you into and what stories would you read? I’m considering getting back into writing out of boredom, I’ll be resorting back to my specialty, the X Readers. So let me know if you see this. 


@s0me_Dude yeas no problem ;) have fun writing! 


@Coalslaw104 yoo wassuo fam! Wasn’t expecting anyone to reply. Yea I’m still into Corokia! Thanks for the idea 


@s0me_Dude welcome back  if you're still into coroika splatoon i read x reader's tbh 


So I realized that I still have followers and that this site is still very much alive. I believe I subconsciously think the world revolves around me and the fact that I left man at the entire platform stopped being active. But to the followers I have that are still active, what things are you into and what stories would you read? I’m considering getting back into writing out of boredom, I’ll be resorting back to my specialty, the X Readers. So let me know if you see this. 


@s0me_Dude yeas no problem ;) have fun writing! 


@Coalslaw104 yoo wassuo fam! Wasn’t expecting anyone to reply. Yea I’m still into Corokia! Thanks for the idea 


@s0me_Dude welcome back  if you're still into coroika splatoon i read x reader's tbh 


When you’re family yells you you’re gonna have a disappointing Christmas and now your vibe is gone-


Hope you have an amazing Christmas, you deserve it, love you❤️


@toast-1234 its alr fam were here for u lol, im sure your family wants the best for you!


            *pat pat* it's ok, I'll be your family for Christmas instead.


This is what I’m talking about when I say that my problems are not as big as others. 
          You shouldn’t listen to me
          You shouldn’t I swear it’s okay 
          I’m okay :))
          Just tell me all of your problems
          All the things that are bugging you. 
          My problems aren’t as bad 
          Not as important
          Causes yours are bigger then mine. 
          Don’t worry I’ll be fine. 


@toast-1234 YOU NEED TO LEARN TO RESPECT...yourself. *Sits down with clipboard in hand and points to that weird chair in therapy offices* Tell ME about YOUR PROBLEMS


this message may be offensive
            Listen here u little shit we talked about this on discord.


@toast-1234 I’m sorry milky, I’m going to have to disagree. It doesn’t matter how serious anyone’s problems is, everyone’s problem still has a negative value and your problems still matter as well. You reassuring your okay brings me worry for some reason, but I choose not to pester you because your my friend, and I trust you very much. I hope you can trust me too when I say that venting your problems to others is as important as others venting their problems to you. Even if you believe they aren’t as important, they are still problems, they will still hurt you, and you definitely don’t deserve to be hurt. Anyone one of us will be happy to listen to your problems, just say the word and we will be ready to help or listen.