
          	guys ,
          	I would like you all to check out this amazing book "golden unseen graphics shop| open" by one of my friend Urja. I am sure you will love it. Pls give it a try and support the author. 


@GoldenUnseen mention not❤
          	  Oh!!  Sorry  . I did not think abt that


@s0rnya but you disclosed my name... 


@s0rnya thank you so much!! 


Hello there, my friend. Hope you are doing well.
          Please do give this fantasy romance book of mine, a read. I know the book is still ongoing, but hope you will love them and vote on the book, and give me support to help my book grow :) Your support would be appreciated.


hi, precious <3  u're really precious bae ●
          so, just here to appreciate u,  because i thought why not¿ I may /may not know u,  but trust me,  I meant each & every word I'm gonna say— u're amazing <3 nevereva give up on urself; never give up on ya dreams,  because ya dreams 're so beautiful, just like you.  Yes,  I did call you beautiful,  you know why¿ I saw beauty in your heart ♥ because beauty isn't about face,  but u're gorgeous anyway <3 so,  stay confident bout urself, I'm proud of ya , v proud uk ? u're a cute hoomannn!  so,  aye hooman,  I appreciate your existence,  I appreciate you.  I appreciate everything bout ya!  <3  I mean,  u're no less than anyone out there,  u're capable of anything & everything <3 <3 keep spreading love as much as you can,  honey, love is for free why not give people love ¿ so show love on every human, every living being <3 cause everyone, & everything deserves love & affection!  Oh fish,  I forgot to mention,  damn!  u're lucky you got them beautiful eyes <3  I adore you,  more of all,  I respect you <3  you can always count on me,  I'm just a text away <3 no matter what u're gonna talk about, I'm here listening, I'll always listen to ya!   so give up on that sad face & bring a little smile that I've been waiting for it to appear. Stay hydrated hun, stay safe <3 you matter to me ♥ I'll always need a friend like you in my life,  however & as whatever.  Your gender doesn't matter to me at all,  I like you <3 adore you,  with whatever u've got  so , please stay with that smile,  bring the peace that ya mind been carving for <3  smile,  it makes me happy & keep smiling cause u look so damn cute with that smile :)  again,  u can always count on me.  though I'm your internet friend, I still care for you,  & it's real <3 
           with love 
          — Sana ♡


May this night comfort you with its soft shine, may your dreams be sweet and beautiful. Good night, my dear friend! The night is long and dark, but it means nothing as long as our friendship shines through this endless darkness. My love for you is everlasting, may it comfort you as the Sun goes down.
          Good night..


           GOOD MORNING.
          Rise and shine pub. Now it's morning. Let's start this fresh new day with a smile. Let's forget abt yesterday and live in today.. and remember that u are living for tomorrow. Today is a new beginning. Let's start this day with new hopes. InshaAllah u will be successful. Have a nice day.
          " Mistakes make u who u are."
          "Dream big. Work hard to make it reality."
          "No matter what, don't give up."
          "Success is what hard workers get."
          " If u fail try again." " Don't repeat same mistakes."


Rise and shine darling. Get up from ur bed and see the world. And go to catch ur dreams u dreamed at last night.
          Life is full of suffers. U suffer but don't loose ur hope. Because suffering is the key to ur happiness. Sufferings is the door which u have to pass to meet happiness.
          If u suffer then let u suffer. Cuz the end u will get a result sweet as honey, bright as sun. Just don't loose ur hope. Go forward without caring abt what others think of u, what others talk abt u, just follow ur heart. So at the end u will be successful.
          Doing mistakes are not something bad. U mistakes in ur life cuz we all are humans. But don't do the same mistake. Don't repeat same mistake. But remember mistakes make u perfect. Ur straights and ur weakness combine together and make u. So be who u are. U are just beautiful the way u are. Just smile. Cuz it's ended. Don't cry cus it's started.
          Sooooo do mistakes today too. And learn from it.. u can do it.. I am wishing u a wonderful day dear. Smile and make this beautiful day urs.
          Good morning. Have a bright day..