Hello people of Wattpad! As many of you probably know this account has been inactive for 3+ years now. I am the owner of this account and I got locked out of it. However, many of you don’t really know who I am and my persona I portrayed on Wattpad is very different from real life. First of all I was 12 -14 years old during my peak on Wattpad, I’m 17 about to be 18 now. I was too young to be involved in the things I was and it hurt me and other people I cared about in the end. I regret lying to everyone and I hurt a lot of people in the process and I want to make it right. My most popular story (Maniggy story) might never be finished because I don’t think anyone would read it. If anyone wants me to finish I will try my best but I make no promises.
- Jay