
Hey everyone! I published the two poems that I had mentioned on Fantastical Realities in the Table of Contents (if anyone bothered to read that). They’re called “I Lived Six Lives” and “Save the Forest.” Go read them if you’re interested...if anyone actually reads this, cause I really doubt it lol. It’s probably just me on here posting all my stuff and I keep thinking people exist that read what I write. So...enjoy some poetry and have a great Wednesday!
          	P.S. I just got started on another poem for Fantastical Realities and somehow I have to find a way to explain the workings of a fantasy world in a poem, so...be on the lookout for that...if anyone is here. Also, I’d love some feedback on my poems, anything that isn’t working, any typos you find in Contour that I missed, though I should have seen them all since I keep reading it over and over again looking for formatting typos/errors because I hate PDFs.


Hey everyone! I published the two poems that I had mentioned on Fantastical Realities in the Table of Contents (if anyone bothered to read that). They’re called “I Lived Six Lives” and “Save the Forest.” Go read them if you’re interested...if anyone actually reads this, cause I really doubt it lol. It’s probably just me on here posting all my stuff and I keep thinking people exist that read what I write. So...enjoy some poetry and have a great Wednesday!
          P.S. I just got started on another poem for Fantastical Realities and somehow I have to find a way to explain the workings of a fantasy world in a poem, so...be on the lookout for that...if anyone is here. Also, I’d love some feedback on my poems, anything that isn’t working, any typos you find in Contour that I missed, though I should have seen them all since I keep reading it over and over again looking for formatting typos/errors because I hate PDFs.


Ok so Wattpad deleted my original attempt at this because it was “too long.”
          News #1: More Through All of It is up. Two new chapters. Go read them. I have titled Part 6, The Salvaging and the new Part 7, The Gauntlet.
          News #2: I have a new book idea, and I’m going to be coauthoring it with a friend. We’re working out plot details. Here’s the basic rundown:
          Russian Warlocks that live in caves and have magic, murder and revenge, main character doesn’t kill the bad guy and is executed at the end.
          Sound cool? No? Maybe? We’re working it out. Trust me, you are going to love it, and hate it, and maybe throw the book (I guess phone/laptop/other device).
          So, thanks to word limit being unknown, I’ll stop here. Have a nice day!


Wow it’s been a while since I’ve actually done a good overhaul on here. I usually just read new updates of books and close the app. So I uploaded a lot of poetry I’ve written in the past year or two, and I’m going to start deleting old projects that I want to go away. I’m also going to post my new art, cause I actually took an art class in college.
          Also, I have a new poetry book, called Fantastical Realities, because I have started working on some really long poems that are set in their own worlds, and I didn’t want to post them in my regular poetry book. So, enjoy! I’ll have more for that book very soon, because I’m in a poetry workshop class.
          Have a happy Valentine’s Day everyone! And for all those single pringles, don’t forget to give yourself some love by buying your favorite chocolates!


I (finally) wrote another chapter in Through All of It. I’ve been working through the tail end of my journey, hence why things have been slow. I think I’ve finally made it to the end of the journey, but I may have a few more chapters about what’s been happening lately. Go check it out!
          Also, I’m going to (finally) be editing some of the really old chapters as I finally got some insight on what was going on at that time.


I finally got around to posting all my old short stories, including some new ones. Here's a highlight of what's new:
          Two Men, Six Boxes, and Robert's Front Lawn
          Two men show up one day to dig holes and put a box in Robert's front lawn. He fears the contents, seeing that the size mirrors that of an average human. After calling his brother in the NSA and getting no results, he decided to take matters into his own hands and dig up the boxes himself. Will he end up the next man six feet under?
          The Army Clock
          How far would a boy's mother go to get him to stop playing violent video games and start doing his homework?
          The Owl Guard
          How do owls decide when autumn starts?
          A small story about a very tiny blue ticket, and where it came from.
          Beethoven or Not?
          When I left home for the string quartet concert, I was expecting a large crowd and lots of Beethoven. But as soon as it started, I found myself swept off my feet by surprising modern music. I may have been the only one, because the recital hall was almost empty. For all music lovers.


I posted the third part of the moon dragon. I know I said I was going to get it done earlier, but I got busy and didn't have time to finish it. Now that classes are over I have time and decided to start working on it a bit. If anyone has any cool ideas for the background, I'd love to hear them! I can't use a night sky cause of the dragon's wings, but any other ideas is appreciated! Also, I think I need to talk to someone about my book and get some help writing it. I was trying to do a huge edit, but I came across some questions and walls that I think I might need help with. I'm going to see if my professor from creative writing will help me. I'm also thinking of adding a creative writing minor! Enough of my rants. Go outside and enjoy the nice spring weather!