@s896228 aw..:( Im so sorry that happened to you .. sadly I can relate ..you should drink some hot chocolate, coffe, tea etc. With some icecream and cake, cookies or pancakes and chocolate to that, then watch some movies or listen to music ..Even tho it's just food it helps,did help me :( I hope that the person you cry over is worthy your tears , because even tho I dont rly know you, no tears on this planet coused by other humans are forgivable honestly..:( And crying over someone doesnt bring them back either..ik that sounds linda harsh, but we all know that eventually you'll have to move on :( So go on a walk, eat sone icecream while it's still warm and clear your head a bit, i'm probably not much of a help, but I hope u'll be okay in time..:( Read some wolfstar,drarry idk and smile over their stupidy, cuteness, whatsoever, and then maybe, you can take that smile back on your face too..? Hope u'll be alright x