
guys! i'm finally out of a writing slump and finished chapter 3 for Why? I'm so happy!! I'm posting it soon. I also got new Ideas for short stories! (finally)


hey so at some point hopefully within the month, I'm posting a new book but its just going to be a sing chapter book because I'm too lazy to split it into more than that and i've been working on it since may. It was going to go in my short story collections but then I decided against it because it wasn't based off a couple so ye~ that'll be happening soonish.
          also there may or may not be a dirty-er chapter soon in my short stories depending on how brave I'm feeling when I finish it, let me know if I should post it!!!


Heyyo! If you're reading my short stories(shout out to those 3 people!) I'm not even trying to post specifically on Fridays. I'm just gonna post when I finish whatever story I'm typing. the next on should be in a day or two. I'll go back to regular when I'm back in actual school. Thx!