Update on my dog: We got the paw prints in a letter yesterday (The Mainline Mobile Vets are awesome, so gentle and so compassionate, they didn’t even charge us for coming out to pick up our dog) and the letter also contained a ziploc baggy of her fur (Which I assumed was trimmed off from her neck due to the color and shade of the fur; I had also been the one to personally ask for her fur since it was one of my favorite things about her). We are getting the ashes soon probably and I’ve been looking at keepsakes and necklace urns. I apologized to the friend for overreacting and we’re good now! I was able to recognize that while yes I was angry at her for what she said, I was being the bigger dick (and not in a good way). The grieving process has been short and sweet for me (unfortunately I cannot say the same for the rest of my family) so I am not as sad. The grieving process for me was quicker because my dog was an 11 year old English Mastiff and English Mastiffs, especially those who have health conditions (she had arthritis and then got a cancerous tumor on her leg), usually only live to 6-10, so we got more time with her than we were supposed to. She was also spoiled to hell and loved so much so I’ve found peace in the fact that she died having had a full life and that she died a very happy dog. We were thinking about donating her leftover treats (mostly her doggy ice cream cups) to other dogs who need them since we have so many leftover treats.
@s_q_u_i_d_g_a_m_e_s I'm so sorry about your dog. I didn't even notice because wattpad never shows me your announcements.