
Update on my dog:
          	We got the paw prints in a letter yesterday (The Mainline Mobile Vets are awesome, so gentle and so compassionate, they didn’t even charge us for coming out to pick up our dog) and the letter also contained a ziploc baggy of her fur (Which I assumed was trimmed off from her neck due to the color and shade of the fur; I had also been the one to personally ask for her fur since it was one of my favorite things about her).
          	We are getting the ashes soon probably and I’ve been looking at keepsakes and necklace urns.
          	I apologized to the friend for overreacting and we’re good now! I was able to recognize that while yes I was angry at her for what she said, I was being the bigger dick (and not in a good way). 
          	The grieving process has been short and sweet for me (unfortunately I cannot say the same for the rest of my family) so I am not as sad. 
          	The grieving process for me was quicker because my dog was an 11 year old English Mastiff and English Mastiffs, especially those who have health conditions (she had arthritis and then got a cancerous tumor on her leg), usually only live to 6-10, so we got more time with her than we were supposed to.
          	She was also spoiled to hell and loved so much so I’ve found peace in the fact that she died having had a full life and that she died a very happy dog.
          	We were thinking about donating her leftover treats (mostly her doggy ice cream cups) to other dogs who need them since we have so many leftover treats.


@s_q_u_i_d_g_a_m_e_s I'm so sorry about your dog. I didn't even notice because wattpad never shows me your announcements.


I’m so glad to hear you’re doing better!! 


Update on my dog:
          We got the paw prints in a letter yesterday (The Mainline Mobile Vets are awesome, so gentle and so compassionate, they didn’t even charge us for coming out to pick up our dog) and the letter also contained a ziploc baggy of her fur (Which I assumed was trimmed off from her neck due to the color and shade of the fur; I had also been the one to personally ask for her fur since it was one of my favorite things about her).
          We are getting the ashes soon probably and I’ve been looking at keepsakes and necklace urns.
          I apologized to the friend for overreacting and we’re good now! I was able to recognize that while yes I was angry at her for what she said, I was being the bigger dick (and not in a good way). 
          The grieving process has been short and sweet for me (unfortunately I cannot say the same for the rest of my family) so I am not as sad. 
          The grieving process for me was quicker because my dog was an 11 year old English Mastiff and English Mastiffs, especially those who have health conditions (she had arthritis and then got a cancerous tumor on her leg), usually only live to 6-10, so we got more time with her than we were supposed to.
          She was also spoiled to hell and loved so much so I’ve found peace in the fact that she died having had a full life and that she died a very happy dog.
          We were thinking about donating her leftover treats (mostly her doggy ice cream cups) to other dogs who need them since we have so many leftover treats.


@s_q_u_i_d_g_a_m_e_s I'm so sorry about your dog. I didn't even notice because wattpad never shows me your announcements.


I’m so glad to hear you’re doing better!! 


I had a seizure this morning. It's nothing to worry about since I know the cause and I was only out for under a minute. It was because my friend choked me out (with consent). It wasn't a full blown seizure, just some flailing of the legs. I experienced an REM-like stage while unconscious and woke up because I felt my legs shaking and something warm underneath my knees (which i found to be my bag). My friend is an EMT


@s_q_u_i_d_g_a_m_e_s wel that’s good, I’m glad you didn’t get hurt lol. Having a seizure is one of my worst fears. Also thank you j also like it 


@n30n-4ngel not really, my friend (the one who was choking me out) knew what he was doing and he would never actually hurt me. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember being choked until my friends reminded me which means my friend did it ‘properly.’ Also, I was only being choked for a few seconds (everyone has their own tolerance, mine is pretty short so I fall unconscious pretty quickly) so any fear I had actually experienced was gone when I woke up. I also just thought the experience was more exciting than anything since it felt ethereal (I literally felt like I had just met God lol). Also I love your pfp it’s so cute


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Shit, I hope you’re okay, that must have been scary 


this message may be offensive
So my dog just died, I threatened to kill my 'friend's family because she touched the stuffed lambchop squeaky toy then gave me the most disrespectful response after reminding her for the 60th time that my dog, my EVERYTHING just fucking died. I have cried myself to sleep for the past 3-4 days. I was scared to even take a shit the day of because my dogs lifeless body was still in our basement. I keep looking over at her bed expecting to see her head popping up. I never thought I'd find myself sleeping with and carrying around a slobbery squeaky toy but now I can't be away from it. Nobody ever tells you what it's like to look at your dogs dead body. I took one quick look and felt my heart shatter so hard I thought I was gonna vomit. 11 years of my life from 6-17. I forgot how lonely life had been before her. I went to school that day because I couldn't stand being in a house that had the lifeless, unmoving form of my childhood best friend in the basement. All I could think as I watched the vets load her into the trunk of their car was "she's just leaving for an appointment." I cry on the way to school, laugh with friends, then cry on the way back home because there's noone waiting for me. When I looked at her unmoving, unbeating body, all I could think was "that's not my dog." When asked if I was going to say goodbye I responded with "I already said goodbye yesterday, when that was still my dog." I have always prided myself in being able to look at such morbidity without so much as a flinch, but that? I couldn't stomach that. I felt like I was still sleeping. I kept thinking that I was gonna wake up at some point. For 2 days, I barely ate, I couldn't shower, couldn't get out of bed. Nothing felt right. I was scared to fall asleep and scared to stay awake. I didn't go to school thursday. After lying in bed for 4 hours, I went to Walmart, managed to keep it in when returning a bag of dog food, dragged myself into the tub.


I’ve been through something like this too. One of my two dogs was put down last year because she was in too much pain and it would’ve been cruel to make her keep living. It was her time. It hurt to have to let her go I know how much it hurts but you can make it through this, it’s going to be okay


@s_q_u_i_d_g_a_m_e_s I’m so sorry.. I hope it gets better. We’re always here you know ❤️


@s_q_u_i_d_g_a_m_e_s  I’m so sorry your going through this. When you lose something dear to you, it feels like the world and everything stops functioning, nothings normal, and will never be normal again, and I get that. You don’t know what to do and that’s upsetting, but I want you to know that it will get better over time. Grief doesn’t go away, and it’ll probably still hurt over time, but just know that it’s okay to feel sad, and angry, and whatever else you may be feeling, and if you ever need to vent about anything, anything at all, then do it, because telling someone you truly trust can help. The healing process isn’t easy, take some time to yourself to process everything at your own pace. Hope you feel okay soon.


my friend put me in a firearms carry. I also helped him reach an apple juice that was on top of an exit sign. He croucheed in front og it and I stepped up on his knee and reached it


might be the most random thing ive ever come back to