Hi and thanks sabi for the votes including I'm a Cyborg's Pet on you fab listy thing . OK I think I'm sounding a little creepy there but as new authors always get a buzz every time someone comes across our work. Hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for making our day as writers!
We hug you all afternoon ( can you feel it) RK+Reb
@ The-Scrivener I'm loving the book so far and you don't have to thank me. I should thank you, for making a book which is so good. So thank you. Ps. I felt the hug...it was great
Thanks for reading and voting on SF it means a lot to me. I'll be re-writing the book in a few months from now and I hope you will be able to join me in Alexis and Nick's journey once more. The version will be better than the current one. Thank you for your support again❤
Best regards,
Thanks for reading and voting on SF it means a lot to me. I'll be re-writing the book in a few months from now and I hope you will be able to join me in Alexis and Nick's journey once more. The version will be better than the current one. Thank you for your support again❤
Best regards,