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I just posted a Michael fan fic like 2 seconds ago so go read it (if you want to). ok but im still freaking out about yesterday, his mom said he (michael) almosy lost his sight in his left eye. im still worried even though he said he was fine. i watched a video and i started crying bc that was a vv close call and it was scary. and the fans that were complaining that they didnt finish, fuck you bc michaels health was in danger and hsvehwbwhshdjf. and to the fans that waited outside the hospital fuck you to, he just got injured give him some space. and to the fans that were taking pictures of him, pls dont if he said he didnt want pictures taken DONT TAKE PICTURES. if michaels left with any scars he'll still be just as beautiful as before, he'll be the same michael with dumb tweets, we'll still love him- Xiomara❤❤