
It's April! My birthday is bound to happen i can't wait let's just hope i get the phone I really want I'm deleting this app Idk see ya soon lover girl


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Personal changes happend as i feel as nothing matters as much anymore i thought everything was so important but now it's useless in not sad or anything I don't feel like anything
          Not giving a shit anymore saved my life
          Lolol okay okay SEE YOU LATER NEXT MONTH SADIE 
          (Only I see this so i can keep up with myself as you can see I'm doing month streaks) love you GOOD luck!<3


It's March!...oh more month till my birth day i need a new phone I might get the iPhone 11 in purple my mom said it was okay so I can only hope✌...
          I lost feelings for everyone but The boys *cough cough be a.....ttttless* still remain in my heart 4 sure...


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Me and Jay don't really talk but I'm starting to take notice of this guy at school his name is Javiean... UGH I think I can like him too(: i care what he thinks honestly
          I don't have a fucking class with him and yet he still said hi...* CRY BLUSH EMOJI RN*