
Love your bad boy reading list! Which story is your favorite?


@ElleLeeLove I know! Getting noticed takes so much time, and it is so discouraging sometimes. It's one thing not to have many votes or comments, but when you see that even the reads number isn't changing? For instance I just posted a new book yesterday and I just want people to read it, y'know? But yeah, you've just got to get used to the waiting


@sadlady01 It is so hard to get your stories noticed on Wattpad! I am not fond of vampire and werewolf stories either.


@ElleLeeLove It's very nice of you to check out their writings. It's very hard to get people read your books, especially at the beginning. Oh, and I can't read horror either! I'm not into werewolves or vampire books or things like that. Other than that I think I read about everything. 
            Again, it's really nice of you to support your followers :)


Thanks. A Like for a like? ..20? And 25 comments if you do the same. 


@ranessloyal1 Thanks, but I only voted 'cause I liked some of your covers. I don't do 'vote for vote' or anything like that. If you like my stories and want to share your feedback I'd be grateful, but not otherwise.