
          	hey all, i'm sorry I've been so distant and portrayed the idea that I have made a grand disappearance. I never meant to fall off the face of the earth. but as of late I've been working 8 hour shifts 6 days a week and on the one day a week i'm NOT working, I'm either working on courses online, or i'm hanging out with my friends because I never have time to hang out anymore.
          	ALSO! I took down my completed novel SHOUTING UNDERWATER because of two reasons, them being 1) it was majorly unedited and was missing pieces, and just a huge mess, and 2) because of publishing purposes, it needed to be removed from my page. so that's that! as for PRETTY, I just lost interest, to be completely honest, and so I took it down. no sense in keeping a project I never plan to finish, yes?
          	UPCOMING NEWS: 
          	I am working on a very very serious/impactful kind of story. it focuses on eating disorders and all that jazz. it will be posted soon to my page, if any of you have questions, feel free to pm.
          	love you all


          hey all, i'm sorry I've been so distant and portrayed the idea that I have made a grand disappearance. I never meant to fall off the face of the earth. but as of late I've been working 8 hour shifts 6 days a week and on the one day a week i'm NOT working, I'm either working on courses online, or i'm hanging out with my friends because I never have time to hang out anymore.
          ALSO! I took down my completed novel SHOUTING UNDERWATER because of two reasons, them being 1) it was majorly unedited and was missing pieces, and just a huge mess, and 2) because of publishing purposes, it needed to be removed from my page. so that's that! as for PRETTY, I just lost interest, to be completely honest, and so I took it down. no sense in keeping a project I never plan to finish, yes?
          UPCOMING NEWS: 
          I am working on a very very serious/impactful kind of story. it focuses on eating disorders and all that jazz. it will be posted soon to my page, if any of you have questions, feel free to pm.
          love you all


          lately, i've been currently lurking in a dark place of my mind. whether it's with thoughts about myself or how i view myself, or what loads lay on my shoulders or how stress is hitting my from all angles, but things are just going on. 
          so i'm sorry to all the things i'm in, for not keeping up and doing my part. i'm sorry, but that's what's going on. 
          i should have updated Shouting Underwayer but truth is, the last chapter isn't even completely finished. i've been so stressed with everything else and even the stress with that isn't making me think clearly so i'm not going to finish the chapter until i'm in a better state of mind, that way it's actually worth reading. 
          love you all


          aye! everyone, this may not seem like big news to you, but to me it's extraordinary!! SHOUTING UNDERWATER will finally be finished in 2 more chapters + an epilogue which seems absolutely CRAZY to me. Daunte's journey will soon be over, and it's a little sad but i'm happy to say that SHOUTING UNDERWATER will be the first + ONLY book i've ever completed in all my years of writing, it's INSANE, and i have all of you to thank for that!!! so thank you!!!
          so in the above update, SHOUTING UNDERWATER is reaching it's end and now it's time to do something else. Stop writing? NO. I'm going to be working on a NEW novel called PRETTY. I'm excited to write it and i hope you all stick with me, PRETTY, and Bella as her adventure begins. It's COMING SOON, and i can't wait to share it with you all.


          guess who's forgetful ass left the EDITED, PAPER COPY of Shouting Underwater at school? I did (: that's the explanation as to why I hadn't updated it last Sunday, so the update will be this Sunday. I'm two chapters behind fml. 
          anyways love you all