i managed to lose access to this account and i came back to 157 notifs most of which were new followers and votes on old writing <3 i love you all very much
i've follow through on something for once! join my brand new discord server https://discord.gg/HHpqg2
there's channels to share your art, writing, and promote your personal accounts!
and if you have any mutuals who are interested in joining share this with them too ♡
hopefully this gives my brain kickstart enough to write more :)
if i made a discord server for dw/sw would you guys like that ? i use it more often than i use most other things, and it'd a nice way to get back in the swing of writing :)
side note: my old writing is painful to read so while i don't have a lot of follower interaction anymore bc i rarely update, i'm probably gonna start revising a lot of old stuff too (눈‸눈)
hello i'm not dead i swear ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ i've been spending a lot of time getting back into koei tecmo games and have been inspired to write some new things so keep your eyes open for that!
also i've started using discord and would love to talk DW or SW or WO or whatever the fuck with you guys my discord is sadsakichi#1550; i wanna make a real big koeitecmo discord