this message may be offensive
Hello, me?
I am really have a big smile now because of reading old me post some shit in this site
That's so cool, how I survive till this day is so georgeous. If Allah not with me, I am probably ended mylife at that time. And I don't want to remember that bad memories. I just want to rebuild "me" again.
Runtuh itu boleh, semua orang pasti merasakannya. Tapi nggak boleh berlarut-larut.
Allah gives me pain, because Allah want me to grow.
Sorry, me.
I ever treat you bad.
I underestimate you and many other bad things I do to you.
I will try my best right now, to fulfill your good energy again.
I will stop to blame others as a trouble maker in my life.
I will continue my life.
I will increase my taat, with sholat as soon as I hear adzan, stop talking others. And I might be start from that 2 first.
I love myself.