
Thank you so much for voting on BOUND Little Bird, greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy the rest of Nelle and Graysen's tale. Ava x


@AvaLarksen tshaha, that's okay and  it's a great way to operate I must admit since I too bicker with my pals :D But yeah, I must think about joining NaNoWriMo, there is just one problem because English isn't my first language but it has become the language in wich I prefer to read and write but my writing isn't so good. Sooo I should consider writing in my own language which I don't like. But we'll see! Sorry I started rambling :D 


@safffu  HAHA Whoops sorry about that. That's a typical example of how we both operate together, mostly bickering good-naturedly :D Oh, you should give NaNoWriMo a go this November. It's a great month of bashing at the keyboard, knowing millions of writers are doing exactly the same thing :D


Lol you two have taken over my messages :DD But yeah, I've heard of NaNoWriMo but never joined it myself but perhaps there will be a time for that someday :D