Hey everyone,
So over the last year, I think I've lost like...all interest in writing. I used to love it. Now it's become a chore. Another thing i have to force myself to do. It really sucks because i have so many ideas for new stories and series, but literally no motivation to write anything.
Ive kinda been going through a rough time lately also, so I've decided im going to be taking a break. A long break. Im thinking maybe a year. And i hope that during that time, my love for writing returns, so I can come back and finally write Casey's story (and maybe even Teddys story...)
The only story I've been working on lately is 'Vows of Power', so that's going to be put on hold (Im really sorry for those who were enjoying reading it/waiting for updates). I do plan to finish it when I come back. Sorry it's going to be a long wait
So yeah. Hopefully, no one is upset by this news lmao. Have a nice day x