I still use the username i made with my previous bestfriend, i write some alphabets in cursive because a girl with beautiful handwriting showed me once, i play particular songs during car rides because a guy told me it would sound wonderful like that and it does, i bite my ice cream because i thought it was cool after seeing a boy doing that with his vanilla one and ended up having a habit of cracking my neck from the same person, ended up learning japanese cuz my aunt showed me animes, some melodies remind me of my friends because it has always been with them at some point of life, i make my ramen extra spicy because a friend liked it that way once, i like poetry now because a girl i once liked gave me a book which was beautiful to say at the least. I have a spiritual liking with yellow because coincidentally both one of my favourite songs and flowers had been yellow. I am everyone i meet, every book i read and every music i listen. It's kind of bizarre that without all these i would be hollow and almost good as nothing.