
Hello followers! Please check out the most recent chapter on Drawings (aka my only book lol). I touch on some things and give you more art. 


So did a little cleaning up on this account. TBH it was about time. I have to go through the only book i have and see what chapters are worth keeping, and what really shows my improvement though I'm sure I haven't improved a lot. Also I have changed my name, still have blossom in my name though I am now @saiblossom though you can still refer to me as Blossom but you can also call me Sai if you're too lazy to type Blossom. Thank you guys so much for being so patient with mw while I sort my life out. I am a lot more busy then usual so I'll try to post as much as possible when I am on breaks from school. I have an epic tale plan for Winter Break so maybe some posts for that, and I'm working on some art stuff that I think you guys may like. I also apologize for not posting during summer time, even though I had a lot of time on my hands I did not do anything productive, like I do every summer. I will try to update every once in a while during the school year to assure you I'm not dead so try and keep up with that. The updates will either be here on on my book. So check these places for updates. Thank you and peace!


          Hey man, you alright? Sorry I'm wasn't there for you lately. We have no classes together!! aaAHHHH!!! Anyways, I have gone though a lot of problems to (this is from what Alley has said on her drawing book), but I'm not going to try to relate, since everyone goes through so many things at home and in life too. I've hit that rock bottom too, and it's tough. I want to help you in anyway possible, becuase I've had no one there for me when I needed it from them.I won't be able to see you at school since I'm away, but feel free to skype or PM me, alright? It's probably gonna be hard for me to reply a lot of the time because of my no phone situation, but I'll try. 
          Even if it isn't me, go to someone if you need an outlet. It doesn't help to confine all that up. Keep your head up gurl, cuz there's bound to be something good at the end of the road! 
          P.S don't stop wattpaddddddd 
          Keep the motivation flowing within youuuuuuuu


Haha. Thanks Amy. It has been kind of hard lately. Thanks for letting me k ow there's someone I can't talk to if things get too difficult. And I'll try to continue. I kinda wish I took art instead of drama now. 