
Almost a year gap between today’s post and the last one, but:
          	HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! 


Have a festive holiday season and stay safe when celebrating the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017!
          Peace, love & abundance for all of you!
          V. A.


@sailingsoul19 To you, too! ♡♡♡


“Write the book you want to read, the one you cannot find.”
          — Carol Shields
          Not from me, because I find it hard even writing this with one hand on phone. I am right handed, so writing with left hand – no matter where – sucks... and it’s hard. Although I am still (but slowly) writing (in my head, if it wasn’t obvious). Or more like rewriting everything all over again.
          “Peace, love & abundance. Have an awesome day, have an awesome night.”
          — O’Ryan (Papa Sonnie)
          Make sure to accept, who you are and keep loving yourself. Doesn’t matter, if you are a part of LGBT+ Community.
          — V.A.


I have made like 20% progress with reading here, but—nothing compares to holding +300 / +400 pages in your hands, decorated with a nice cover and has a very nice font.
          Well—skipping mistakes and sometimes badly printed pages, you still enjoy the plot given to you by an awesome author, who you may or may not know about / may or may not like, love, admire.
          “Have an awesome day, have an awesome night. I love you. You love you. YADIG!” — Papa Sonnie
          Help paperbacks survive in between e-books and audiobooks, pals! Let’s not forget about this beautiful invention that gives us many adventures.
          — V.A.


@sailingsoul19 That's very much true :)


@Eman-AQ You never know about this one. :D It can help you [at some point and certain books] teach you how to NOT act while being in relationship. But it’s always up to the reader and how they interpret/ understand the meaning of a single character or more than one, if not the entire story/ plot.
            For an example, even suspense type of books teach you about certain mental illness or how to work with someone, who has been through a lot and behaves like a weirdo. That [in my opinion] is the beautiful side of books – they teach you at certain point and about something which is natural even in real life. : )


@sailingsoul19 You're right, and even e-books purchased legally is still much cheaper than the physical books, so I guess that could be one of the main reasons as to why people prefer it. I think one should try to read books that can teach you something new and useful, you know? That's why I've been trying to read more classics nowadays, since reading romance novels won't educate me in any way cause I've never even been in a relationship before to learn anything :P


Happy Wednesday!
          [for me, because I am home—finally a break from college LOL]
          “Take pride in your pain; you are stronger than those who have none.”
          — Lois Lowry
          Have an awesome day, have an awesome night! ILY YLY, YAAADDIIIGGG!!!!!
          — Papa Sonnie ❤️
          Stay cool and safe for the spring break! [if you have now]
          — V.A.


After four days, I have come to realize, “intro” shouldn’t be as long as chapters are. [I have come across few of them and they weren’t as long as mine is.] So—I showed different things, from someone else’s point of view as how things had happened. Which it explains the rest—finally.
          Enjoy another update for “Three Years”! And happy—I know I am so late—international women’s day!
          PS.: Check out @ProjectWomanUp if you’ve never heard of this project before!
          “Have an awesome day, have an awesome night. I love you. You love you, YADDDIIIIIGGGG!!!” — Papa Sonnie
          Being feminist isn’t wrong.
          — V.A.


Hello (hopefully it doesn’t sound so officially),
          Just wanted to drop a quick note. “Three Years” was updated—despite of my shítty internet connection, while I was being at my granny’s.
          Anyway, “4 YEARS BEFORE” is just an intro, and I have planned to make it shorter than it really is. But “3 YEARS BEFORE” – another intro before actual chapters for “Three Years” – is going to pop up soon. And here are going to be few updates in March. Who knows, maybe even just two. And I mean this one and second intro.
          That’s all. Enjoy your youth! College is a tougher bítch now, so—see you soon, kids! Stay cool!
          “Have an awesome day, have an awesome night.” — Papa Sonnie
          — V.A.