Hey there. I apologize for posting on your feed; I'm dealing with a bizarre glitch that is preventing me from sending you this message through the messenger on both my browser and the Wattpad app.
Thanks for beginning your payment so quickly. However, a gentle reminder to please follow the critique shop's instructions fully. My first 2 chapters take about 23 minutes to read, so my payment instructions specify that the first and last comments on each chapter need to be spaced 10 minutes apart. This allows me to verify that you've read the full chapters. I noticed that the time stamps on your comments only cover 5 minutes from the first comment on the first chapter to the last comment on the second chapter, so I'm not able to verify that you read the full chapters. I'm sure this is an honest mistake, but before I can offer you a critique, I'm going to need to have you follow the critique shop's instructions carefully. You can find them on the page with my name in the Pretty In Punk Critique Shop book. You're welcome to complete the instructions on the next 2 chapters of my book. Or, since I see that you added my first book to your reading list, you're welcome to do it on that book instead if you prefer. It may be easier to follow anyway heh.