
sorry for random updates i’m removing some photos and replacing some videos on some old chapters ⭐️


my character JoJo has BPD and i try to be as educated as possible when writing about him and his experience with it, but if i ever say something shitty or incorrect in regards to it, please feel free to correct me and educate me !!! it is never my intention to say shitty things, especially when it comes to mental illnesses and disorders, and i love to learn !!! i jus thought i’d put that out there 


this message may be offensive
I Just Realized I Wrote That Sage Has Autism. I Meant Basil. My Statement Still Holds , I Am Jus A Dumbass 


actually , apply this to any sorta trait my characters have that i don’t, like with Sage’s autism, and any of my POC characters — i don’t intentionally say racist / ableist stuff but if i do then mcfuckin let me know so i can apologize and learn and fix what i’ve said !!! thank u 