Must Read until the end
First of all, thank you so much for reading this, for adding this story on your library and reading list, for the comments and encouragement, for the votes, especially. I really really appreciate all of those!
So, there is a bad news and there is a good news.
Let's start with the good news:
I will continue this story.
You don't know this but I was actually planning on bringing all of my stpries down on wattpad. Because these past few months, I've been really busy and tired all the time. I have so many issues. But then, I realize I love that I can make my readers happy. So, yes, I'm continuing my stories. Same concept, different plot, different cast. But I assure you, a more defined and mature story line (not the SPG type but the un-cliches type).
Then the bad news.
The continuation and editing part will surely take too long. There's no exact date. I can't promise you a date when I will be finished in editing this story. Probably, this May, I get to start giving you the New Title, Prologue, and few chapters. So please, bare with me a little.
Also, I will be changing my username here on wattpad so please be aware and always be updated okay?
Signing off, hurtless_pain.
Signing in, sairene_tgrn