I'm sorry if nobody cares but like. I read a book called everything grows. By the beginning of the book someone is already dead. They committed suicide. At first I didn't get why but now i've realised. The kid, James, was gay. His parents were homophobic. He wasn't allowed to be gay. Even when i knew all of that I still didn't get why.
I was listening to this thing abt being in the closet and it said that if teens are stressed abt things like sexuality and gender it can cause anxiety and depression. I also did some research of such and found out that insomnia is caused by anxiety and depression. And so is personality disorders. The more I know, the more I don't want to know.
Like the song sun goes down. I thought I understood it but after listening to it on repeat forever i realised what it really meant. I wanna run away, Don't wanna lie I don't want a life. Lil nas X would have rather died than lied abt his sexuality. Honestly, so would I. Also 'You need an instant ease' I don't know what his ease was but I'm sad to think it was cutting. It's hard for you when you're fighting, and nobody knows it when you're silent. I didn't realise how it it was.