
What I hate the most is when I give constructive criticism on a book and people don't like what's being said they call you rude and tell you not to read it even when I also spoke about something I liked about the book because I wasn't tryna be mean but give my honest opinion, and it always seems these types of people don't want you to speak at all, but I've got a mouth and I'm going to use it. We all have our opinions and are allowed to voice them here in America so if you don't like it that's rough because I was just trying to be honest about how I felt,  and now that you have disturbed my peace I cannot rest without posting this comment that I hope to many of you will understand. Ja ne Sakura Chan out!


What I hate the most is when I give constructive criticism on a book and people don't like what's being said they call you rude and tell you not to read it even when I also spoke about something I liked about the book because I wasn't tryna be mean but give my honest opinion, and it always seems these types of people don't want you to speak at all, but I've got a mouth and I'm going to use it. We all have our opinions and are allowed to voice them here in America so if you don't like it that's rough because I was just trying to be honest about how I felt,  and now that you have disturbed my peace I cannot rest without posting this comment that I hope to many of you will understand. Ja ne Sakura Chan out!


Hey guys just updated ghost hunt the real me so chapter 6 is out True Connection. Please post votes and share feedback your support is greatly appreciated and the more comments to update and the more votes I get the more chapters I'll release and all in favor of you sweet fans...
                         Sincerely, sakura chan ja ne


I'll make a new chapter every week and please comment.


@sakura161623 really thank you so much. U should get the fanfiction. Net app and also please send me your email ur help would be a lot of support... spread the word part five is out ghostly poison, all thanks to your votes the more votes the more I'll update... please comment. 


@sakura161623 if you ever need help i'll help