
hey everyone, i’m really happy to let you all know that i’ve posted the first chapter of reverie. i know it took a long while but i really wanted to take some time to compose myself and plan out the story considering i am writing in third person for this story so it’s slightly more of a challenge. regardless i hope you all tune in and enjoy the chapter. xoxo 


@KaliliSallow i see! honestly third person isn’t foreign to me but i’ve always preferred first person. With third there are so much more opportunities to have more detail and narration for more people than just the main character which is why i really wanted to do it this time around. thanks for the support<3.


@sallowholic I'm proud that you're trying something new. For me, writing first person is a bit of a struggle, I always seem to catch myself writing in third and have to go back to fix it lol.


hey everyone, i’m really happy to let you all know that i’ve posted the first chapter of reverie. i know it took a long while but i really wanted to take some time to compose myself and plan out the story considering i am writing in third person for this story so it’s slightly more of a challenge. regardless i hope you all tune in and enjoy the chapter. xoxo 


@KaliliSallow i see! honestly third person isn’t foreign to me but i’ve always preferred first person. With third there are so much more opportunities to have more detail and narration for more people than just the main character which is why i really wanted to do it this time around. thanks for the support<3.


@sallowholic I'm proud that you're trying something new. For me, writing first person is a bit of a struggle, I always seem to catch myself writing in third and have to go back to fix it lol.


hi everyone, terribly sorry for the lack of update on Reverie. life hasn’t been too easy on me lately and i’m afraid i’m under a copious amount of stress which has led me to neglect even focusing on starting the story. i’m not sure when i’ll have an update, but rest assured i am not abandoning reverie. i’ll try my absolute best to try and update as soon as i have the time and energy to do so. i hope everyone who has been waiting for an update will stick around for when it does come out. thank you for your understanding. 


Hi everyone ! I’m so happy to announce that my fanfic Revenant has come to close. Thank you to anyone that read and I hope you all
          enjoyed the story. Seeing as that Revenant is my first seb fanfic to debut into the community of hogwarts legacy fanfic writers I’m very grateful for all the engagement and votes I received from everyone, it means so much! Of course I already introduced my upcoming fanfic Reverie , which I hope you all will receive kindly as well. Again, thank you so much for your love and support. More to come soon! xoxo, sallowholic <3


@sallowholic Loved the story sooo much! I needed some dark Seb  Thank you again!


Congrats! That’s so exciting :D