I have never been more proud of a cishet male in my life. I was talking to two friends about my partner when I mentioned they're genderfluid. The guy said, "Wait, you're one of THOSE people that believe that there're more than two genders?" I take a moment to breathe before responding. "Sit, down. We have a lot to discuss. I can see where you got confused or misinformed from someone else, so let me take the time to explain it to you." A couple other people also started sitting around me to listen in to my explanation of gender vs sex, the different sexes, the different genders, how gender is a spectrum with a few main points, etc. By the end he was leaning in, asking questions, and genuinely wanting to gain knowledge about gender. I gave him a few tips for him to extend his research and immediately went onto his phone to look up questions I couldn't answer. I'm really glad I took the time to do that because he was staring straight at me for more than an hour. I'm so, so proud.