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heh.....paper face boy is gone...h e h.. wow..this.so sad I Wait
I am willing to pay that price if I could also possibly receive that manuscript.
I am so scared
Why what are you afraid of. Why you afraid why are you in fear. Why do you fear why don’t you become what they fear why why what are you afraid of chipzcookie
Anyone want me to dox this hoe? I can! I really can. Anyway, just lmk! Love you! Sorry was that too soon? Yeeeeahhhhh
Don't you be calling me a sket darling because you'll be gravely disappointed to know that I AM ONE!!!!!! (CharlieM19 to Saltytearsokay)
@saltytearsokay don’t care, still dint give u permission you utterly clapped bridge troll. Don’t even start bc you know I’ll come to ur house and booyaka you in the place darlin
Hey guys so my suspension is over! Good heavens ! Got a tad bit heated, lol haha lmao! love you everybody!
@CharlieM19 doesn't seem like they love me either. four years ago from today they were slobbing down on my tomtordian novels like there were no tomorrow and now the lot of em dont give 2 farts (cant swear) for what ive got to preach today. but u know ur a real one CharlieM19. Lick my fandom hooha forever. L G B T PLUSSSSSS!!!!!
The accuser better come forth NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Anyone else think @saltytearsokay kinda fell off…
Right whoever has reported me you’ve gotten me suspended for TWOOOOOO days. ITS NOT!!!!! ONNNNNNNN!!!!! There you were sitting on ur flatly party bumhole (cant swear sorry everybody ) reporting me for what. Because ur a big fat whiny baby who can’t stand me having a wattpad career???? OHHHHHHHHHH YOU HORRIBLE HORRIBLE TERRIBLE VILE COO COO CA CA PEE PEE BEING!!!!!!
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