
Ya girl is back! I just posted a new, quick, little free verse poem on my page so go check it out if you’re into that kind of stuff!


I just published a new poem to my Slam Poetry book. It's about something I and many other people have to deal with on a daily basis. I'm sorry if it sucks because I didn't take much time on writing this. It literally took me 30 minutes to write. So I apologize if it's not the best but I just needed to get this out. This is how I cope with things. But yeah if you are interested in it all I would love it if you would check it out! If you don't want to, that's fine but it would make me super happy if you did! Thanks!:)


Just published a new poem to my Slam Poetry book. It's called Light and it has to do with something that I have a very hard time dealing with in a daily basis. I didn't spend much time on it so I'm sorry if it sucks but I really need to get this out. So, please check it out! It would make me so happy just to see that you took the time to look at. Thanks!:)


Just posted a new poem to my slam poetry book. It's called "I miss you" I hope you guys enjoy it and can maybe relate to in some way. I really needed to get this out in some way so I thought that poetry would be the best medicine. But yeah I hope you all check it out and hopefully like it! Thanks!:)