For my first post I didn't have an idea of what to do-that was until recent events..
If you are a Five Nights at Freddy's fan then you probably already know what this is going to be about. If you do not know, then I am very sorry to break the upsetting news to you but Scott Cawthon has made the decision to retire. Now, before you start crying like I did, I will tell you that our beloved franchise will not be left behind.
Scott has decided to retire due to the recent drama. I will not be going through it all but in short, Scott got accused of being h0m0ph0b!c (when he isn't) due to donating money to a non-LGBTQ community as well as supporting Donald Trump. For these reasons, and maybe for some I am not aware of, the fandom started crumbling and people went too far. Some people started sending d3@th thr3ats to Scott and even started harassing youtubers who had no input into Scott's actions!
Scott said in a post that he will be retiering and handing over the fandom to someone they trust, which can be good I guess. I feel that we will lose some people in the fandom (no one major-unless they believe twitter) because people will feel the fandom will not be the same without Scott. Although I feel the same way about the fandom not being the same without our beloved creator, I want to be in the fandom. Fnaf has been a part of me for a while now, and I am not planning to leave. I am happy for Scott and his good decision he made for himself. I hope we do see him on the flipside soon. <3