
Well, that was a surprise. Oneagainst' bio on Lit declared only 16 chapters for your story, and then this one pops up out of the ether.
          A very welcome end to the story too. Having Mara give Aidan her credit card was predictable, as it was well within her 'girl from Kansas' character to do so. Mara had evolved into quite a credible, although mixed-up, likeable lass. And she had obviously fallen for Aidan.
          Full marks for this last chapter, and indeed your whole story. Extremely entertaining literature in my opinion.
          Stay in touch


@Aa963vc it's pretty sad to see them go, but i guess the story had to end at some point...! it was a sad ending but hopefully there was hope in there too, that they've sorted out what their future paths should be. I've got something else on the boil, but it's a lot of work to get it to publishing grade.
            Thanks for the words of encouragement - it means a lot to know this isn't just being launched out into the void!


Hi Sam, I've just read the latest part, 16. Feedback as follows:
          On the plus side I believe you are a talented and gifted writer, and have enjoyed the journey 'over the horizon'.
          On the negative, I'm disappointed there was no meeting or face to face conversation with Rosa, although I suspect there were some constraints involved with the sequels to the original 'oxygen' story and you were limited in scope.
          However I unfortunately predict a poor reaction to part 16 when you post it on Literotica, as there will be a few who will have very different reactions when they read to the end, and are left wanting more. I don't know what the best solution here is, other than some sort of statement by Oneagainst as to how it will all come together finally for Aidan and Rosa.
          I have enjoyed your story, and hope to read more of your work in the future.


@Aa963vc and thank you so much for your kind words. it feels like it's been an epic undertaking, and the feedback is much appreciated! Let me know what you think of ch 17?


@Aa963vc you got it right...! The main storyline needs him back, so that's happening this weekend. There is a LOT going on and this story needed to stay between some very specific rails. The Lit crowd might not see it in a positive light just yet, but I guess it's a matter of faith that it all comes good in the end.


Hey Sam,
          I think that part 5 'Just business' has been missed out on the Literotica website.


We're up early for the ANZAC service.


@Aa963vc yeah, a Sydneysider these days, but have been around a bit...!


@sam_york I've gotta guess a suburb of Sydney, possibly near Bondi, but I really am unfamiliar with Syd having only ever transited the airport once.
            Thanks for the oneagainst tip.