
Here is the rewritten prologue and first chapter. I am currently working on chapter two, soon i'll be posting more soon. Enjoy!


Hello everyone. I've looked at some of my books and I noticed two of them will be needing to be revamped or rewritten. One is my creepypasta book and the other is "A Strange New World" my mincraft book. Don't worry, I won't change it up completely, just to were it's more grammar correct and to were the plot makes a little more sense. Also, I will make the chapters longer and I will through in at least one drawing to each chapter. If you guys have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message me. Bye bye


My dear readers and followers, long time no see! Surprise, I'm not dead! Its a miracle I'm not with how life has been treating me. But you know what, I'm done screwing around and letting my books collect dust! Im tired of putting chapters off. So now, keep an eye for a new chapter every other day! And it will be a chapter for one of my books, so everyone is happy. It will happen starting tomorrow! She you soon my beautiful readers and followers ! ^^


Happy new year everybody!!! I hope everyone will enjoy this new year better than the last one! This year I've been going through some tuff times to were I had self doubt and suicidal thoughts but everyone was there to support me and I thank everyone for that. I'm hoping this year will turn out better and I shall write more as well. Bye bye!


Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about rewriting 'The Flightless Ghast'. I just feel like I could have wrote the chapters better for my readers and followers out there. Also, my b-day (I'm turning 16) is coming up on the 24th and I'm really excited about it! 


Okay, I got some news on an upcoming book. I'm going to do a halo fanfic book. Anyone out there who doesn't know what halo is, it is a syfy game that consists of multiplayer and first person shooting game. If you look up halo on Google, yahoo, ect. You'll find a Wikipedia for it. But anyways, I almost have the first chapter done and after its done, I'm publishing the book. If you have any questions, private message me and I will gladly answer when I can. Bye!!!


Okay, I know it's been quite a LONG time since I updated my fnaf books and I'm really REALLY sorry for that. Band camp happened, and school is about to start. Plus, if anyone else besides me that lives in Oklahoma, the weather has been insane! First, it will be hot and dry as flip then...BAM!....Random lightning storm pops up! Once again I'm really sorry and I'm NOT, repeat NOT discontinuing the fnaf books! I will still update, I promise!!


this message may be offensive
My school is on lock down because of this. I know bank of Eufaula has been robbed multiple people shot suspects are down and they had taken a hostage . This sentence was a text my mom sent to me but if anyone come in here I'll choke them with my ox cord. Buy I'm still scared as shit.


Happy New Years Everyone!!!! Wow its already been a year since I've been on wattpad. Along the way I had amazing supporters, followers, and friends to help guide me and to support me through my books. Thank you everyone! Happy New Years and Happy 2016!!!!