
Amazing story by a close friend please give it a read


Yeah, guys, I'm sorry that I haven't been too active,  but I have a lot of stuff going on. my teacher is riding me so hard it's almost impossible to keep up with.  And then I was busy all march break and now I'm sick. ugh and then my family is all having health issues. my godmother has liver problems and such. But as soon as I'm better I would love to keep writing.  I have a lot of ideas and such. Now I want you guys to tell me what you want me to write. See ya!


hey guys i know it might be pushing it but i would appreciate it if you read my new story it is my first official story and i want it to be seen. and if you like it put it in a reading list show it to friends and be sure to vote on it so others can see it. thanks for taking the time to read this i hope you had an awesome day.