
I just uploaded chapter eight for When the War Came Home. I also went through and edited some of the grammar and punctuation errors in the previously published chapters. I hope you guys are enjoying the book! Thank you again so much for all of your support!!


I just uploaded chapter eight for When the War Came Home. I also went through and edited some of the grammar and punctuation errors in the previously published chapters. I hope you guys are enjoying the book! Thank you again so much for all of your support!!


hey guys!! just wanna say that i really appreciate all your votes and comments on my book, When the War Came Home. i updated a new part last night and i can't wait to know what you guys think of it. the next update probably won't be until later next week because i have finals coming up, but i promise to have it up by next saturday, the latest. thanks again for all your support!! much love for ya❤️