
So, it's been another few years of no writing at all.  And I feel really badly. But, loss of several people very important to me and my emotional therapy animal left me basically unable to function, let alone write. I feel like I'm in a bit of a better place now and I'm hoping that I can start producing some works to put out again. 
          	Starting today with the teaser opening chapter of my latest project.


So, it's been another few years of no writing at all.  And I feel really badly. But, loss of several people very important to me and my emotional therapy animal left me basically unable to function, let alone write. I feel like I'm in a bit of a better place now and I'm hoping that I can start producing some works to put out again. 
          Starting today with the teaser opening chapter of my latest project.


Wow, okay. I am really awful at being a writer. It's been forever since I've done anything substantial, but sadly that's because life is really good at kicking people over, then kicking them again when they're down. For everyone who has read, liked, and commented on my work, I can't even begin to thank you enough for that. Please know that it all means so much to me and I'm trying very, very hard to get back into the swing of things so that I can finish off all these unfinished projects I've left just hanging around and hopefully give you guys some better quality things to read. 
          As some of you may be aware, NaNoWriMo is coming up very, VERY quickly. I am participating this year and I will be rewriting/doing my absolute best to finish my first novel - One Mississippi.


So, I've been out of the writing game for a while. I feel bad for it, but my mind and heart haven't really been in it. But, NaNoWriMo is up again and I'm rewriting The Quest in the hopes that developing a proper routine will keep me going, which will eventually get me back into writing One Mississippi and finally finish it. So sorry for everyone for leaving unfinished projects just laying around.


Hey I really injoyed a simple story!!! The decoy bride is my favorite movie! This that the end or is there more? 


@Lizziebennetfan There was definitely meant to be more, but a whole lot happened and I've been away from writing for a few years. It's in my backburner project list to try and get done some day once I've had a chance to sit down and actually plot properly instead of just hoping it will all put itself together.


Wow, okay. So... I have 2 unfinished novels staring me in the face. Unfortunately, if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. December was a write-off for writing between illnesses, family emergencies, and now some more car trouble. Hoping to get back to it in the new year. I can't apologize enough for the wait I've been putting on you guys for these books! Much love! Xoxo


Hard to believe we're already 2 weeks into November (and NaNoWriMo for my fellow participants!). Time really does fly. Once NaNo is over, I'm going to be applying a similar challenge to myself (though perhaps a smaller goal than 50k) each month until I get 'One Mississippi' finished off. You've all been so patient and I honestly can't thank you enough for that. It will get updated, it will get finished, I promise. Once November is over, I'm going to be going back at it with a vengeance!


So, lame author is lame and has left things sitting on the shelf for way too long. Dealing with some mental health issues, but I do have plans to get back to One Mississippi soon. NaNoWriMo is also coming up soon, which means book two in the FrostFire trilogy. It's in the planning stages and I will be uploading chapters as they are finished.