
2024 has already been wild. My mental health is all over the place. Extra stress at work. No motivation for writing. I have been reading a lot thankfully. And more recent things that have happened to me finally inspired me to write Ghost Flowers. I decided to not put so much pressure on myself with writing. I'm just doing what I can when I can. I'm putting it on here for now, and one day when I'm finished with my 100th draft, I'll finally self-publish Ghost Flowers. So don't be surprised to eventually see this story go through multiple changes until then.


@theforestgreene thanks! How are you doing?!!


hang in there Sammi!!!


2024 has already been wild. My mental health is all over the place. Extra stress at work. No motivation for writing. I have been reading a lot thankfully. And more recent things that have happened to me finally inspired me to write Ghost Flowers. I decided to not put so much pressure on myself with writing. I'm just doing what I can when I can. I'm putting it on here for now, and one day when I'm finished with my 100th draft, I'll finally self-publish Ghost Flowers. So don't be surprised to eventually see this story go through multiple changes until then.


@theforestgreene thanks! How are you doing?!!


hang in there Sammi!!!


          I hope you dont mind me dropping this here.
          If you could spare some time and check out my book " gaurding hearts whimsy "
          Its a rom com, spiced with nystery and layers of plots and unexpected turns .
          I promise you wont be disappointed.


I had the story Back To Strangers featured on Radish, the first few chapters were available for free on here. But after a lot of consideration, I have decided to not take to story any further. I have lost all interest in the story. It will be one less thing for me to stress over. The story will be deleted from both platforms. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello! It's been a while. I haven't been able to write much in the last few months. Life is crazy sometimes. Now the new year has begun, things have calmed down more and I have regained some motivation. I did have some drafts sitting there for some time and decided to publish them today (The Workplace) and (Ghost Flowers).
          Unfortunately, none of my stories are yet completed but I will continue them!
           I'm trying to self-discipline more in 2024!



Hi! Ik this is random but I'm trying to get feedback on my story :3 Would you like to read my short story "Sea Shanty"? It's a pirate themed romance. In return of the favor I would also love to check out one of your stories:3333


I've been feeling under the weather lately. I haven't been able to write much. I'll still be updating Ghost Flowers tomorrow! 
          My toxic trait is thinking of a new idea and believing I can write a story in a day lmao