
So the semester is over and I am back! Hopefully I can get both Dreamphage and Tick going again soon. I'll also be uploading the play I wrote for my theatre class as soon as I get my mark and feedback. I'm also writing a poem a day for the month of April, so once April is over I will choose some and add them to Clarity of Madness. Hopefully I'll get a lot of writing down this summer.


So the semester is over and I am back! Hopefully I can get both Dreamphage and Tick going again soon. I'll also be uploading the play I wrote for my theatre class as soon as I get my mark and feedback. I'm also writing a poem a day for the month of April, so once April is over I will choose some and add them to Clarity of Madness. Hopefully I'll get a lot of writing down this summer.


Sorry for the lack of story updates lately :P its been a busy semester. Both stories are still being worked on and will hopefully be updated soon :) I'll do my best to upload regularly, probably Dreamphage on Wednesdays and Tick on Saturdays. It probably will not be every week but I'll do my best :) thanks for reading :)  


Hey everyone :) Thank you to anyone  who may have been reading Tick. I'm just posting to let you know I will not be updating it for a little while. It's NaNoWriMo this month so I'm going to be working on my story for that. I meant to get some chapters done ahead of time but midterms got in the way. I have a lot planned for this story and i'm really enjoying writing it. It will be coming back, hopefully in December, maybe before if I can manage it. Thanks again!