I might honestly delete my spideypool fic.
It warms my heart to see people loving the story, but that's writing I did almost 2 years ago {still taking me forever to even finish the damn story} and it's horrible. Now you may be thinking "Sam, it's not horrible, we love it!" to the reader it isn't, but as a writer and a perfectionist, I improve everyday and can only learn from my mistakes, the fan fiction being one of them. I hate when my old and bad writing is still up and running. I took down a lesbian story I wrote a few years ago because I never spell checked and either wrote really short sentences or run on one's. I've gotten so much better at writing and I wanna delete the imperfections. At this point though I might just explain the ending and end the story because honestly, I've got no love, no patience, and no motivation to finish it how I originally wanted to.