
          	i have taken a sudden interest in writing (mainly danganronpa and original works), but ao3 is formatted weirdly for writing so ive decided to come back to this godforsaken app!
          	a lot of my known sally face stories i look back on fondly, but theyre all discontinued as they are now. i was thinking about rewriting some of my favourite ones but dont hold me to it ill cry anyway
          	i have a Kiyotaka POV story that ive been writing ever since i got on vacation about a week ago, and im gonna get a few chapters written before publishing it! :)
          	it already feels SO good to be back
          	(had to repost this, sorry if you got 2 notifs!)


Hi!! I know I’m a (bit) late but I read your Sally face story and id honestly be interested in taking over writing it, since no one else wanted to, and I only have 1 story I’m working on at the moment, id be happy to take it off your shoulders if you want


          i have taken a sudden interest in writing (mainly danganronpa and original works), but ao3 is formatted weirdly for writing so ive decided to come back to this godforsaken app!
          a lot of my known sally face stories i look back on fondly, but theyre all discontinued as they are now. i was thinking about rewriting some of my favourite ones but dont hold me to it ill cry anyway
          i have a Kiyotaka POV story that ive been writing ever since i got on vacation about a week ago, and im gonna get a few chapters written before publishing it! :)
          it already feels SO good to be back
          (had to repost this, sorry if you got 2 notifs!)


          for whatever reason, ive fallen out of the Sally Face fandom, so I might be shifting my account from it to something else?
          if anyone else would like to continue my stories on their account (because i know that quite a lot of people read them) i'd be so grateful and thankful since i'm not able to enjoy writing them. i still do enjoy Sally Face, but not enough to continue with three stories worth.
          perhaps when chapter five (i think it was) comes out for the game, ill gain more interest in it, but for now im going to be diverting my attention elsewhere.


As long as you’re happy, my friend ❤️ what are you considering shifting over to?


IM BACK! I know I've been gone for SO SO SO long, but tbh, I just lost motivation to continue writing a lot. But, thinking about people I could've made happy with writing, or if I inspired people to start writing made me want to come back.
          When I left, everyone was so kind about it and now I'm going to return the favor. Getting back into the swing of writing is probably gonna be reeeally hard, but I'm gonna try!
          I already have some new ideas to write about, but I'm gonna try to A) make a schedule and B) to not swamp myself with so many unfinished ideas.
          Hope you guys are ready!!! Ahh!! it already feels so good to be back on Wattpad writing instead of just reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@sammy_boi_ aaaaaaa welcome back we missed u sm <3 i cant wait for more stuff from u ❤


!!!serious question!!!
          so people have been cosplaying/writing about a sallyface au called We Dont Have To Dance? and i think i found it on ao3 but im not sure. its by 'ironiclittlebaby' though. anyone whos read it, can you tell me if thats the right one lol


          seriously though, happy pride month to anyone and everyone who is apart of the community  happy june for allies, and happy june for cishets 
          another month, another victory is how i see it. we may not have rights in every state or every country or even every home, but the fact that we still have a month to ourselves proves that we still win in some way
          to anyone struggling with parents/guardians who arent accepting, or for anyone coming to terms with their sexuality/gender: it will get better. one day you will live happily with your significant other. one day you will get that testosterone. one day you will get that estrogen. one day you wont be stared at in confusion or disgust when you have multiple partners. one day youll find the gender non-conforming section in the clothes store. you will survive and itll be wonderful.
          for anyone going to a pride festival this month: please stay safe. drink water. just because theres a couple there thats a male and a female doesnt mean that theyre straight. wear whatever the hell you want, and by all means express who you are. wear your colors proud.
          also incase you guys didnt know, im pansexual and use he/they pronouns uwu. if i can beg my grandma to let me go, im gonna take my s/o to a pride festival
          again, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH HOMOS 
          (repost from my book)


since its the summer, ive been looking for ways to earn money because im saving up for a nintendo switch (yaboi loves him some zelda). so ive decided to try a thing:
          that thing is: 
          •i will be writing short story pieces for people who commission me for them.
          •i would also be able to do art commissions either through insta/sc/discord OR through a wattpad book by posting the image and tagging the person who commissioned me
          im still working through the kinks of this idea but please let me know if you guys would be interested :)


@sammy_boi_  I mean ....... Some people like that Soo .... Doooo whatcha gatta dooooo


@_ShotInTheHead_ true true, but not when you have crippljng dysphoria 


@sammy_boi_  I mean being a stripper is always an option