
you said yo wouldnt delete your lied....i wake up pan tells me its gone...*cries* you say i diserve basically the world or what i want....bu all i wanted was you...and your gone....and it takes less then 2 minutes to just delete the only way i was able to talk to you...


@DeadxRosesx yes yes hedid beore you came back


@LITTYTITTIES13 wait ivan deleted his account im not the one who put this but justin did ~sammy message me


Guys everyone on this account is real I know that for a fact please don’t believe the lies you’ve been told. I know they’re real, I’m not telling you how I know I just do. Also if Alexz or whoever was really running this account wouldn’t they say it instead of Ellie. I’ve been friends with everyone that was on this account for a very long time so please trust me. 


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on a real note how more stupid can you be Alexz was the one running this account if your talking about "there" very first account it got hacked so Alexz made this one with all the "people" on the old account first off Alexz gave me the account to change everything so she wouldn't hurt any one else and if you say that you know the "people" that were on this account then please prove it because I have fucking evidence saying otherwise @BiersacksSeagulls


you said yo wouldnt delete your lied....i wake up pan tells me its gone...*cries* you say i diserve basically the world or what i want....bu all i wanted was you...and your gone....and it takes less then 2 minutes to just delete the only way i was able to talk to you...


@DeadxRosesx yes yes hedid beore you came back


@LITTYTITTIES13 wait ivan deleted his account im not the one who put this but justin did ~sammy message me


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Ok look here Dalfie I know your gonna see this but if you don't know us don't  fucking try to "expose" us cuzmagority of the people on here are us okay one of us let you join out of the kindness of our heart and if you keep heading down this new rout I will change the password and just message them the new password on phone~vanessa


@sammyluna237 Does Grammer really matter? No not really 
            Grammer is unnecessary and needs to go die in a hole


@sammyluna237 I wasnt pointing out your bad spelling, I was pointing out that someone older than me has worse grammar and flow with their words.


@cassbutt-astiel news flash it's called I typed wrong I mean if you look you can see the d is next to the s if you notice I was trying to say "say" not "day", if you stop having a jelly Bean brain you would notice that people make mistakes while typing