
I love to write but everyone else's stories are better and amazing so I just have to read them


@sammywammy31 Everyone is bad when they start! I was, I still am. You just need to practice and you'll get better!


@sammywammy31 I'm sure your writing isn't bad. Don't discourage yourself because you'll never start. Everyone starts from somewhere. Writing is an art and like any, we all start with drawing that sun peeking from the corner of the page and adding small and big lines to it, for the shine. K? ^-^


Hi can we talk? I love your stories and I'd like you to read mine. I'm new and be glad to offer my friendship. I'm working on four stories right now. I'll send the links to you soon I hope if life behaves for once like yeah.
          P.S: plz read all of this ok?


That's okay. I'm glad you replied! . I hope you're going well.


Oh my god I am soooo sorry I haven’t been on this app until recently of course we can talk