
@Savy-ramos I am so sorry what I said offended you. Your right what I did was a bitch move and I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean it in a rude way. I should have been supportive of the awesome story. Not a little mistake you make because we're human, we make mistakes. I'm very sorry. 


@Savy-ramos I am so sorry what I said offended you. Your right what I did was a bitch move and I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean it in a rude way. I should have been supportive of the awesome story. Not a little mistake you make because we're human, we make mistakes. I'm very sorry. 


this message may be offensive
If u didn't mean to be rude use a question mark .....and dont tell me u aren't being rude. if ure gonna tell me,something like that then don't make exscuses,thanks u fucking Bitch ure support means a lot to me