
Im Samuel Obillo Torrazo, 16 years of age, cAme From The ProvInce Of PangAsinan,  San Quintin, Bgry. Cabalaoangan., I Came From A SiMple Family,But Super Saya at Puno Ng PagmamaHalan   ., I wAs Born On October 06, in the year1998.
          	I DesCribe MySelf As A sImPle PersOn, But Talented, And VEry sMaRt HeHeh 
          	You Call me in sHort SAMXXI^^hehehe
          	Im Not Good In Writing Stories, bUt I loVe Reading Books, Specially RomanCe ,. ^^ and Im Also A Good Listener . ,hehe
          	Hello Wattpad ^^ #Samxxi


Im Samuel Obillo Torrazo, 16 years of age, cAme From The ProvInce Of PangAsinan,  San Quintin, Bgry. Cabalaoangan., I Came From A SiMple Family,But Super Saya at Puno Ng PagmamaHalan   ., I wAs Born On October 06, in the year1998.
          I DesCribe MySelf As A sImPle PersOn, But Talented, And VEry sMaRt HeHeh 
          You Call me in sHort SAMXXI^^hehehe
          Im Not Good In Writing Stories, bUt I loVe Reading Books, Specially RomanCe ,. ^^ and Im Also A Good Listener . ,hehe
          Hello Wattpad ^^ #Samxxi